What is it about January that drives us to want to clean, organize, redecorate, and redo? I guess it is the "clean slate" or "new beginning" feeling that we get when start the calendar over again, I don't know. I know for me I really want to get my house clean and organized because well, it needs it. But seriously, I am thinking along the lines of my 2008 goals, and I want to start working on some ideas I have had for artwork for my house. Also, my cool new Christmas toys required me to reorg my craftroom/office. (They didn't fit!) So here I sit, in my craftroom sans office, (the office part got itself reorg'ed to the kitchen) feeling prety excited about my new digs. Life is good.
The photos posted today are of some tags I made for the Halloween submissions call. I have been having fun with some of the techniques Tim Holtz uses on his 12 tags of Christmas. Check out his website and be inspired! I certainly am! I love Halloween it is one of my favorite holidays. I also have a photo of some angel tags I made for someone special. I love playing with different stamps and colors and combining them all to make my own images. It makes me happy.
Have an awesome day!