Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hello! I was contacted the other day by a woman, I am assuming! Anyway, I was contacted by someone from Japan who asked about black and white tags. That sent me into a fury of tag making! I made the flowered ones that I had on my last post, and then after some conversations I decided to make some with an Asian theme and they turned out really beautiful! I kept with a similar theme and just changed around the stamps and paper. I have quite a few stamps and paper with an Asian theme so it was good to bring them out and get some good use out of them! I love the Asian images and also the simple, earthy, style of Asian design. I would like to make a few more, or maybe some cards... With deadlines looming for other projects, I kinda doubt I will have anytime to play in the next few weeks. Thats okay. They will be waiting for me when I do have the time!

My grand-nephew (or is it great-nephew?) is turning one this weekend! I can't believe he is already one! Oh my gosh he is so adorable! I can't wait to spend the day with him and his family! His mommy and I are working on aproject for his party that will be a memorable keepsake for all of them. I will post pictures when we are through.

Valentine's Day is getting close and I have been working on projects, but nothing for my own family! So, this weekend I will try and design some things for them. I might have a few ideas! I have one major client project that I have to get done this weekend tho. I have trying to work out the details and it has been a little challenging. It is almost complete now, and it will be good to get it to my client who has been patiently waiting! I also have classes to kit for, and new ones to conjure up, but no worries! It is a blessing to be busy! I am happy to have 2 or 3 careers to jump back and forth between! You never know these days what tomorrow will bring.
The photos I posted are of the Asian tags, and two little thank you cards I made for my Etsy shop. I used little inchie stamps for the thank you cards. They were fun to make! There are two other designs in my Etsy shop if you are interested. Check out the link to the right.
Have a great day!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tag Crazy!

Wow! I have been making tags like crazy for my Etsy Shoppe! I have even had some more custom orders! I have been in the cave for hours and hours everyday! So much fun! I have sent orders out to many states in the US and to Canada, Hawaii, and Australia! Pretty amazing!

I have added a new feature to my blog. I added a slide show from flickr. I hope you enjoy it! I will load more photos soon. For those of you who are blog-savvy, please be patient with my slow learning! I still can't figure out how to load my pictures on my page where I want them! Ahhh! It says"layout", but they never seem to go where I want them! They screw up my paragraphs too! If you are reading this and can help me, please comment and give me a clue!
Enjoy the new photos of some of my Etsy items and a cute photo of some conversation hearts. Check out my shop: I try to post new things every day or two.
Well, guess what? I am tired again! I have to start posting earlier when I have not fried every brain cell!
Good Night!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Wow! I pushed myself the last few weeks while getting ready for classes, working at the salon, and normal mom duties, to make up a few items to sell on Etsy. It is Valentine season you know! Well, it has really paid off! I have sold and resold things until I had to buy more paper and supplies! I was kinda disappointed at my Christmas offerings and I wanted to do more. I guess I can say that I did!

Classes have started again at the Stamp Art Shoppe and I have taught 2 of my 4 classes. Everything went well. I posted a couple of pics of the first class. There are also a couple of pics of some of the items for sale on Etsy. Click the link to the right to see more! Well, I am exhausted and I have to go to bed! Goodnight!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

First January post!

Wow! It's a new year and I am lagging already! I've been busy kitting for my upcoming classes, and finishing projects. I have also been trying to put some new items on Etsy. My store was pretty low in volume! I had grand plans of getting a lot of Christmas stuff on there, but it never happened. I got a few things up and we actually sold 3 items last week! One of the items that sold was Jake's cool Christmas card he made! Yay, Jake! I posted quite a few Valentine items today so check it out! or click on the link to the right.

I'll give you a sneak peek of what's going on in my world of paper crafting. Fresh from the cave! The pink and green cards are for my "It's all in the Details" class at the Stamp Art Shop in Roseville. Click on the link to the right for class dates and phone numbers. The red and kraft cards are Valentines card that I have for sale on Etsy. I hit a creative groove last night! I also realized something about myself. I used to make a giant mess and then I decided that I should try and be neater. So I've been trying to be neater when I create, but I think I am more creative in the mess! I was frenzied trying to make all the things that were running thru my head! Well, enjoy the pictures and sign up for classes if you can!